Successfully running a company takes self-discipline and if you want to start and grow your business, you have to “Stop Making Excuses!”
Yes, things come up and don’t always go as planned, I get it.
However, excuses are success killers and if you give into them and allow them to have credibility in your mind, reaching your goals will be extremely difficult.
So, if you’re a Startup in Christchurch, here are some excuses you MUST avoid for your business to get off the ground!
1. I am crazy for wanting to do this
The first excuse you need to overcome is your own mental roadblocks that hold you back from achieving your dreams.
You’re not crazy for wanting to start a business. Personally, I think it’s crazier to sit in a cubicle all day and work for someone else that tells you what to do.
Maybe your friends, your parents and your spouse will think you’re foolish. Maybe they’ll think you’re wasting your time and money.
Maybe they’ll think you’re crazy! Maybe they’ll think you don’t know how to start a business.
But if you’re worried about looking crazy, think about this for a minute:
Is it crazy to want control over your time, and the amount of money you make?
Is it crazy or foolish to want financial freedom?
The answer is NO to both of those and let’s be honest. If you waited to know everything and/or waiting for everyone in your social circle to think you’re “ready” … well, you’d never do anything.
The good news is we can LEARN and EARN in today’s environment. If self-doubt is holding you back you can overcome it and succeed!
If you’re serious about starting a business, start by believing that you’re not crazy and you can do this.
Then, simply educate yourself by using the incredible technology we have at our fingertips to build trust, connect with people and run a profitable business.
2. Everything has been done already.
This is a concern I hear all the time:
“But Vijay… Does the world really need another ————– ?”
I agree a lot of things have already been done, but think of it this way…
What if Beyoncé said, “Does the world really need another singer?”
What if Ellen DeGeneres said, “Does the world really need another talk show?”
What if your favourite kiwi restaurant said, “Goodness, does this world really need another kiwi restaurant?”
Just think about all of the goodness we would have missed out on if any of those people just stopped working toward their goal because it has “already been done before.”
There has never been and never will be another you, and you are coded with unique genius.
You have a purpose and a special set of gifts that only you can bring to the world.
So, when you create something you believe in, something you know is really needed, you actually bring something NEW to the world!
You bring your ideas, your unique perspective, your stories and more. You offer the world something different!
3. I do not have any Free time.
We’re all busy. And it’s natural for the excuse of time to come up when you’re an entrepreneur. In fact, it’s probably the number one excuse I hear.
You probably have a full-time job, a family and a number of other personal obligations to clubs, church, teams, etc… It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, overstressed, frustrated and overstretched.
But if we are honest, we all have the same 24 hours day and we make time what it really matters.
I know a single mom with no support system that’s running a successful business. I have seen People with multiple jobs and a family to take care off do this. I agree it’s not easy, but it’s possible.
When I started, I struggled with 2 part-time jobs in addition to starting my business.
I would wake up early and stay up late. There was ZERO time for television because all I did is work.
Of course, it was hard but I got focused, I got disciplined, and I made the time because I had my eye on a bigger picture. I was really focused on the long-game.
I lived like nobody else WOULD live for a few years so I could live as nobody else CAN live for the rest of my life
Yes, I’m sensitive all the challenges life bring to us and often there are big commitments we can’t get out of or avoid.
But, in my opinion, there is nothing more important than doing the work you were meant to do and building a solid financial future for yourself and for those you love.
When comes to you not having enough time, remember this saying:
“If it’s important enough to you, you’ll make the time. If not, you will make an excuse.”
4. I have to rent office space or buy really fancy and expensive equipment
NO! You actually don’t! A lot of people think they need to start out with everything in place. It doesn’t work like that.
Most of the successful companies you see now didn’t start with a fancy office and the latest equipment. They started in a garage or living room.
I started my digital marketing NZ company with nothing but my laptop. You don’t need any kind of fancy setup. Don’t get hung up on this.
More important than all the fancy things you think you need to buy to look legitimate is actually taking the initiative to learn the real fundamentals of successful business and marketing and implementing them in your business.
Don’t try to be something you’re not before you’re really there.
You don’t graduate from college and go straight to the corner office as the CEO… you get there step-by-step.
It’s the same for entrepreneurs. Step-by-step you slowly build and grow and before you know it, you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come. THEN you can get the fancy office and equipment.
5. I can’t do this by myself.
When it comes to starting a business, you’ll be surprised at what you’re capable of if you really set your mind to success. I’m not saying it’s easy to do it alone, but it can be done.
When I started this business, I didn’t have a team to support me.
I was one man shop for first three years! I did everything myself and I brought on support very slowly after I started turning a reliable profit.
Here is a stat that most entrepreneurs don’t know or realize: 99.9% of small business owners start a one-person shop.
Tony Robbins often says:
It’s not about your resources. It’s about your resourcefulness.
You’ve got to be resourceful and use you what you have available right now to get where you want to go. If that means it’s just you, then so be it. That’s how most everyone starts!
6. I am a Non-Techie and its over my head.
You don’t need to be a technical wiz to run an online business.
In fact, these days, there are so many tools that are user-friendly, that anyone can do what only a few people could do years ago. AND… as time goes on, the tools will become even more automated and user-friendly.
The most important thing for you to know is how to use Google and hire someone that does know how to do the techie things you don’t’ know.
And like I mentioned in the first point, everything is learnable!
Anything or everything you want to learn about YouTube, WordPress, shopping carts and mailing list is all online.
It’s quick, easy and accessible to anyone, and it’s getting to the point where there’s no excuse for not knowing.
It all comes down to your attitude and willingness to learn.
That’s what will determine your ability to grow and make a difference; it’s not about your current skill level.
7. I am not an outgoing person and I can’t sell.
You might be surprised to learn that many people who consider themselves shy are very successful business owners.
Do you want to know why?
They are committed to something bigger than themselves. You don’t need to be outgoing and you don’t need to be loud and extraverted to succeed in business.
That’s a complete myth.
I believe in my heart that anyone can do this as long as you are focused, and as long as your committed that really what matters most.
If you can’t sell, take a sales course to help.
If you can’t speak in public, take a class on public speaking.
There are ways to overcome your fears and create success. And even if you don’t do all that, the best part about online businesses is that you can be behind the scenes!
Being shy is no longer a valid excuse!
I’ve covered 7 excuses many entrepreneurs make when they are starting a business. But, those are just a few. What excuse do you need to stop making?
Let me know in the comments below, and I’ll see if I can get you over the hurdle an onto success.
Because remember this…
You have special gifts and talents that NOBODY else in the world has. You are unique and bring a different perspective and way of doing things.
That’s what will make you successful and allow you to accomplish your dreams.
Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way… and back ourselves!
Great post Vijay.
I’m glad you like it, Anton.